Tuesday, 07.05.2024, 06:54 | Welcome Guest | Registration | Login

It rained, and it rained, and it rained

What to do if it's raining

Ok. so you wanna go out, but you can't, cause it's RAINING.
You've got lots of things to do.

I. Stay inside
1. Do nothing. Just sit on the windowpane and watch the rain falling.
2. Reminisce. Think about people and places that you've once seen. Think about people you love
3. Press your face and hands against the glass. (this sounds childish, but it's cool, really)
4. Read. Don't get too absorbed in the book, lift up your head sometimes and look at the rain.
5. Watch a movie
6. Chat with someone on the phone, or on the Internet.
7. Write a story
8. Open a window and stretch your hand out so you can feel the rain(don't fall out of the window, or this site will be responsible for it. be careful)
9. Go to your computer and open up rainrainrain.ucoz.com (ok ok, joking :)

Your mood's like: wow, it's raining! 
I'm gonna take a walk!
You should. 

II. Go outside

1. Jump up and down in puddles
2. Ride your bike
3. Take a ride on a swing
4. Run like mad
5. Fold up your umbrella and put your head up so your face gets wet(only if you want to, of course)
6. Walk

Well, there's a lot you can do. Email your own suggestions( see page Contact Us)

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