Ireth's blog
A place for thoughts, movie/book recommendations and other stuff
10th blog post
Hey guys! I've got a new Tumblr blog now -
Feel free to comment there even if you dont have a Tumblr! If you have Tumblr, you can always follow!
9th blog post
I recently saw a movie - it's calledWreck-It Ralph.
And you know what? I LOVED it.
Never thought a kids' movie could be so deep. It's pretty amazing.
Do check it out!
- my fav character, Vanelope
ps and do watch the end credits.... it has Owl City's song in them.......
8th blog post
Again. Sorry to have taken so long, but I'm officially back to the blog.
So, here's a list of movies I watched recently and liked very much:
1. The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey
2. Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close
3. If Tomorrow Comes
You can check them out :)
7th blog post
Haven't blogged for a while. Maybe because I didn't have anything interesting to blog about.
BUT now I do have something I really want to show you guys.
I've discovered that some people can create awesome stuff out of Lego, like making it an art.
Here's one snow-related pic that is one of my favs:
Tauntaun in the Outskirts of Hoth
by General Magma - - Do check this out I think it's pretty awesome!
6th blog post
I think that sad movies are the best movies. That is, if they help you believe in humanity :D and not just sad
5th blog post
Check out this great song about rain and a boy called Johny.
by The Who.
It's a sad song but it's great. Huge thanks to Xana for the link!
4d blog post
Check out this great vid on YouTube!
3d blog post
Check out this great rainymood website:
2nd blog post
There's a great french song dedicated to rain.
Song by Zaz. It's called La Pluie(Rain in French)
Check it out here:
(and a great vid btw too)
1st blog postI know many good movies that are worth watching. For example:
The Lorax(2012)
Anything from Poirot( detective series)
Anything from Jeeves & Wooster(funny series)
These are great movies to watch on a rainy day.
Tell me if you like them :)