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It rained, and it rained, and it rained

Main » 2013 » March » 8 » Interesting rain
Interesting rain

Rainy story by IrethT!

Brian looked up from his book and saw that it was raining.

It wasn’t raining in that dull, sulky way. It was raining like in an intriguing, mysterious, something-is-bound-to-happen way.

He didn’t know why he felt like that. It just was there.

That I-feel-like-I’m-in-a-novel feeling. It gets annoying sometimes, because you just can’t get rid of it.

Brian sighed and put down his book because he really couldn’t read it anymore. Something was bound to happen.

He walked through the room and climbed the stairs to his room. There, he picked out a waterproof hoodie, and put it on, feeling mysterious all the time.

Then he went down the stairs, feeling as mysterious as before and went out.

His Mum called to him: Where are you going, Brian?

He called back: Just for a walk. I’ll be back soon.


Outside, it was still raining. He walked slowly under the trees, then crossed a big bare field.

It was summer, so he didn’t feel cold. He was just going with his head down, thinking(or dreaming) about something.

He tried to understand what it was that he wanted, but he couldn’t. It wasn’t a particular wish or thought. He just needed to dream and think and walk under the rain, that’s all.

He suddenly stopped. He saw a car pass somewhere nearby and held his breath. Somehow it felt as if it had something to do with him.

But no, the car disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.

He walked on as slowly as ever, feeling the rain beating on his head and drops tickling down his nose.

By and by he realized his Mum would be expecting him to come back soon.

So he walked home slowly and mysteriously.

He shut the front door and heard his Mum cry to him:

- That you, Brian?

- Yes, Mum.

He walked upstairs again and took off his wet hoodie. He then threw himself on the bed and started dreaming, but not sleeping.

It was a rainy day. He had to make the most of it.

Yes, he sometimes asked himself: why did rainy days make him like this?

But he always answered himself: Some things just can’t be explained.

The End

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«  March 2013  »